Friday, May 14, 2010

Babies, Toddlers, Preschooler Oh My

So I am getting to the point where I am thinking about how to mommy school with more than 1 age group. Sweet Boy will be 1 in less than a month and I think I would like to start planning a special Sweet Boy mommy time. This will be specific time with my little boy that I hope to do specific mommy/toddler time. Mostly games and little guy specific things. So I have been looking at adapting some of the activities from Letter of the Week. I plan to use the book list for reading before nap and bedtime and then picking a nursery rhyme or game to play for Baby time. I was also thinking that many of the things that I would do with Sweet Boy would be good for Angel Girl to review and play to so I may do reviews of the previous days fun when both kids are around. How do you balance mommy schooling with more than 1 age group?

1 comment:

  1. I do it when baby girl is taking her morning nap. Soon enough you can do that too! But I like the idea of having mommy school with the younger kids as well. I wish I would have started it sooner with the boys.
